Earlier today, Child Protective Services arrived at Lee Kenworthy’s house to perform a welfare check on his kids in Manchester Township in New Jersey.
Also in the home was a woman named Samantha Brown, his friend, who said she also has custody of his kids.
Once CPS advised who they were and why they were there, Lee denied them entry to the house.
CPS then left and came back with Manchester Township police and that is where it took a turn for the worse.
The Kenworthy family has ongoing issues with both this department, Lakehurst Police Department and CPS.
According to a SoundCloud audio phone call, Lee’s wife was having breathing issues and they reached out to 911 for medical assistance. Lee claims she died due to having an asthma attack and not getting help in time due to Lakehurst Police Departments presence delaying the help.
On a few of the Facebook Live videos, Lee goes into detail on how he claims his daughter was molested by CPS when they checked her body for any issues near her vagina.
More than a dozen Facebook Live videos can be viewed on both Lee’s and Samantha’s Facebook of the interaction that lasted 5 hours. It ended up with both Dispatch Officer Chris as well as Officer Bob on scene calming Lee down enough to let the police department. Once the police department inspected the house they took Lee for a mental health evaluation.
After the father left, CPS attempted to reenter the house to take the kids stating that the house is no longer safe due to the father not being there.
Will update as more details emerge.