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PINAC News Staff


WATCH: SC Cops Body Cam Proves Illegal Arrest of Citizen Journalist

The South Carolina town of Greer has doubled down on their police department’s blatant constitutional violations, but not how you’d expect. The City of Greer released...

Utah Cops Buy “Porn Sniffing” Dog, Why?

The “Porn sniffing” dog craze has hit conservative Utah as a police agency just announced their purchase of a dog who can purportedly sniff...

VIDEO: South Carolina Cops Say “Videotaping” is a Crime

Videotaping and photography are constitutionally protected free speech, but in South Carolina, a few police think free speech is a crime. “What crime have I...

FL Deputy Left Suicide Notes, Killed Self 6.5 Hours After Bonding Out

A Florida deputy left two chilling suicide notes, one apologized to his “LEO family” and Broward Sheriffs Office before mentioning his wife and five...

Cadillac Unveils First 360 Car Camera Recording System

Cadillac owners will be able to record all of their police stops in 360 degrees soon, without having to buy any additional hardware. Recording the...

Supreme Court Rules Against Houston Police

After a nine year court fight, Houston taxpayers will be on the hook for their police retaliating against the son of a whistleblower, who’s...

Police Chief Believes Journalism Should Protect Blue Wall of Silence

Over the past two months alone, two officers serving the public with the Valdosta Police Department have been (http://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/03/georgia-cop-illegally-arrests-passenger-recording-during-broken-tail-light-investigation/)different (http://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/04/georgia-cop-flies-into-rage-after-man-refuses-to-allow-him-to-search-home-without-warrant/) abusing citizens and seeking...

Chicago Police Shot and Killed Teen Scaling Fence to Run Away

This past Monday night, a new victim emerged, and so did a new video showing that 16-year old Pierre Loury died on the other...

Florida Cop Nailed With Felony Witness Tampering Charge

The world’s smallest police station just got a little lonelier, as a Florida cop working for the panhandle town of Carrabelle got nailed with a second...

New Hampshire Complaint Censorship Chills Viral Video on YouTube

Complaint censorship is a rising tide on YouTube, threatening to scrub the internet clean of video recorded in public, which people want to take...

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