War on Photography


A judge on Tuesday dismissed the resisting arrest without violence charge from my (http://photographyisnotacrime.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/reporter-arrested) after the arresting officer did not show up. It was the...

Celebrity photogs detained and manhandled by security guards

A pair of celebrity photographers were detained and apparently arrested Saturday in a questionable incident that was caught on video. The photographers were trying to...

NY photographer wins $30,000 in wrongful arrest case

It was exactly a year ago that Robert Taylor was arrested for photographing trains in the New York City subway system and charged with...

Elevator photographer strikes again. And is harassed again.

The 32-year-old Virginia man has spent almost two decades filming his rides up and down elevators. He has also posted more than 800 videos of...

Man gets harassed for photographing elevator in Virginia courthouse

I really need to stress that if people are going to shoot video for Youtube, for fucks sake, please hold the camera steady. Please...

Newark news videographer sues cop who assaulted him on camera

In what has become a typical blatant show of arrogance, a Newark police officer told a CBS news videographer to stop filming an anti-violence...

El Paso reporters are latest to fall victim to “contempt of cop”

On the night of (http://photographyisnotacrime.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/about), I had been standing inside a construction zone in Miami that was open for pedestrian traffic but closed for...

UK anti-photo law beginning to show its ugly side

It’s been two months since the United Kingdom made it illegal to photograph cops in public, so it’s not surprising that photographers are being...

Photog runs into bureaucratic dead-end in filing complaint against NYP

It all started when J.C. Cina decided to photograph a bright yellow taxi garage on his walk from the bakery in Queens last February. That...

A cop’s thoughts: Can police seize your camera?

One of the most (http://photographyisnotacrime.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/do-police-have-the-right-to-confiscate-your-camera) I’ve written on this blog was headlined “Do police have the right to confiscate your camera?” where I interviewed...

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