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Carlos Miller

2786 POSTS
Editor-in-Chief Carlos Miller spent a decade covering the cop beat for various newspapers in the Southwest before returning to his hometown Miami and launching Photography is Not a Crime aka PINAC News in 2007. He also published a book, The Citizen Journalist's Photography Handbook, which is available on Amazon.

Is PINAC Worth Saving with so many Forces Working against it?

About two years ago, I published an article on PINAC announcing an ambitious project to create a database of bad cops but since then,...

Colorado Cops Charged for Leaving Handcuffed Woman in Patrol Car before it was Struck by Train

Two Colorado cops were charged this week for their role in the incident that left a woman critically injured after she was placed in...

Pennsylvania Cop Accused of Killing Good Samaritan Rendering Aid to Shooting Victim

A 48-year-old good samaritan was killed after he was shoved by a cop in a Pennsylvania Walmart parking lot Sunday evening. But police have yet...

An Open Letter to Elon Musk: Please Return the Twitter Account that was Stolen from me by an Occupy Democrats Editor

Dear Elon, I know this is a long shot but I am hoping you can return the Twitter account, @pinacnews, to its rightful owner which...

WATCH: New York Cop Charged with Felonies after Assaulting Man trying to File Complaint against him

A New York cop who was already collecting a pension when he was caught on camera last year assaulting a man for attempting to...

Texas Cop Charged with Felonies for Shooting Teen in McDonald’s Parking Lot after Confusing him for someone else

James Brennand, the fired San Antonio police officer, who shot Erik Cantu in a case of mistaken identity, was arrested on two counts of aggravated assault by a public servant Tuesday.

WATCH: Colorado Cop who Parked on Tracks Blames Female Cop for Placing Handcuffed Woman in his Patrol Car before it was Struck by Train

Platteville Police Sergeant Pablo Vazquez said he did not expect Fort Lupton police officer Jordan Steinke to place a handcuffed Yareni Rios-Gonzalez in the back of his patrol car which was parked directly on a set of railroad tracks before a freight train struck it.

WATCH: Texas Cop Shoots Teen in Car Falsely Claiming he had Evaded him the Night before

A Texas cop was convinced that a car he spotted in a McDonald's parking lot Sunday evening was the same car that had evaded...

Former Texas Deputy Fired for Beating Inmate just Fired from New Job as Costumed Pig in Theme Park for Body Slamming Teen

A former sheriff's deputy in Texas who lost his job for abusing an inmate was fired from his new job as a costumed pig...

Kansas Cops Refuse to Release Bodycam Footage of Shooting Death, Claiming it would be an “Invasion of Personal Privacy” for Cops

Topeka police shot and killed Christopher Kelley in June as he was suffering a mental crisis, claiming the 38-year-old Marine veteran came charging towards...

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