WATCH: Louisiana Cops Shoot into Car, Killing 6-Year-Old Jeremy Mardis

Body cam footage showing Louisiana cops shooting into a car and killing a 6-year-old boy sitting in the passenger seat of his father’s car was released earlier today, showing no evidence that the cops were in fear for their lives as they have been claiming since last year.

After all, not only does the video not show Christopher Few using his car as a weapon by ramming his car into their cars.

His car is not even pointed in their direction.

What it does show is Few sitting in his car with both hands out the window as his car is angled perpendicular to the two Marksville City Marshals who pull up in their cars, step out and start shooting.


The incident took place November 3, 2015 after marshals Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse Jr. claimed they tried to pull Few over for an outstanding warrant.

But it turned out, there was never a warrant for Few’s arrest. Nor was there a gun in the car.

But his son was in the car, a 6-year-old boy named Jeremy Mardis who had been diagnosed with autism. He was shot five times.

It is believed Greenhouse was having an affair with Few’s fiancee, resulting in Few telling the cop to leave her alone a few days before the shooting, which may have led to the shooting.

The video, [__which is what led to murder and attempted murder charges against the two cops,__]( captures their surprise when they realized they had just killed a child.


“I never saw a kid in the car, man,” Stafford tells Greenhouse according to the[__Associated Press,__]( which has not published that part of the video yet.

“I never saw a kid, bro.”

But ballistics indicate he fired his gun 14 times, striking the child at least three times.

Greenhouse fired four times, but they have not determined if his bullets struck anybody.

The footage is from a body cam worn by a third cop, Marksville Police Sgt. Kenneth Parnell, III, who did not fire his gun, although it certainly looks that way from the video.

The video was released today by a judge during a hearing for the two cops. Local media says it has much more footage but much of it is gruesome, so they are deciding what is appropriate to release.

There is no audio for the first 30 seconds of the video, which indicates Parnell turned it on as the other cops were shooting Few, resulting in the half-minute buffer with no audio also being recorded.

Both face second-degree murder and second-degree attempted murder charges.

As is the case with many cops we write about, both cops had a history of violence and unchecked abuses, especially [__Stafford, who was once charged with aggravated rape,__](http://attorney%20general%20jeff%20landry%27s%20office%20argues%20in%20a%20court%20filing%20that%20jurors%20at%20derrick%20stafford%27s%20trial%20should%20hear%20evidence%20that%20he%20hurt%20people%20without%20justification%20before%20the%20shooting%20that%20killed%20jeremy%20mardis%20and%20critically%20wounded%20his%20father%2C%20christopher%20few%2C%20in%20marksville%20last%20november.%20the%20filing%20says%20the%20prior%20%22bad%20acts%22%20of%20stafford%2C%20a%20marksville%20police%20lieutenant%2C%20include%20using%20a%20stun%20gun%20on%20a%20handcuffed%20man%20without%20warning%20and%20on%20a%20young%20mother%20who%20was%20already%20secured%20in%20a%20police%20car%20during%20separate%202011%20arrests.%20it%20also%20says%20stafford%20broke%20a%2016-year-old%20girl%27s%20arm%20while%20breaking%20up%20a%20fight%20on%20a%20school%20bus%20in%202012.%20%22stafford%2C%20as%20evidenced%20by%20both%20the%20charged%20offense%20and%20other%20bad%20acts%20the%20state%20seeks%20to%20introduce%2C%20is%20motivated%20to%20use%20excessive%20violent%20force%20against%20individuals%20he%20interacts%20with%20during%20the%20course%20and%20scope%20of%20employment%20with%20the%20law%20enforcement%20agency%20he%20works%20for%2C%22%20prosecutors%20wrote%20in%20last%20week%27s%20filing./) so if only they would have fired him from the get-go, little Jeremy Mardis would be alive today.

Body cam footage showing Louisiana cops shooting into a car and killing a 6-year-old boy sitting in the passenger seat of his father’s car was released earlier today, showing no evidence that the cops were in fear for their lives as they have been claiming since last year.

After all, not only does the video not show Christopher Few using his car as a weapon by ramming his car into their cars.

His car is not even pointed in their direction.

What it does show is Few sitting in his car with both hands out the window as his car is angled perpendicular to the two Marksville City Marshals who pull up in their cars, step out and start shooting.


The incident took place November 3, 2015 after marshals Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse Jr. claimed they tried to pull Few over for an outstanding warrant.

But it turned out, there was never a warrant for Few’s arrest. Nor was there a gun in the car.

But his son was in the car, a 6-year-old boy named Jeremy Mardis who had been diagnosed with autism. He was shot five times.

It is believed Greenhouse was having an affair with Few’s fiancee, resulting in Few telling the cop to leave her alone a few days before the shooting, which may have led to the shooting.

The video, [__which is what led to murder and attempted murder charges against the two cops,__]( captures their surprise when they realized they had just killed a child.


“I never saw a kid in the car, man,” Stafford tells Greenhouse according to the[__Associated Press,__]( which has not published that part of the video yet.

“I never saw a kid, bro.”

But ballistics indicate he fired his gun 14 times, striking the child at least three times.

Greenhouse fired four times, but they have not determined if his bullets struck anybody.

The footage is from a body cam worn by a third cop, Marksville Police Sgt. Kenneth Parnell, III, who did not fire his gun, although it certainly looks that way from the video.

The video was released today by a judge during a hearing for the two cops. Local media says it has much more footage but much of it is gruesome, so they are deciding what is appropriate to release.

There is no audio for the first 30 seconds of the video, which indicates Parnell turned it on as the other cops were shooting Few, resulting in the half-minute buffer with no audio also being recorded.

Both face second-degree murder and second-degree attempted murder charges.

As is the case with many cops we write about, both cops had a history of violence and unchecked abuses, especially [__Stafford, who was once charged with aggravated rape,__](http://attorney%20general%20jeff%20landry%27s%20office%20argues%20in%20a%20court%20filing%20that%20jurors%20at%20derrick%20stafford%27s%20trial%20should%20hear%20evidence%20that%20he%20hurt%20people%20without%20justification%20before%20the%20shooting%20that%20killed%20jeremy%20mardis%20and%20critically%20wounded%20his%20father%2C%20christopher%20few%2C%20in%20marksville%20last%20november.%20the%20filing%20says%20the%20prior%20%22bad%20acts%22%20of%20stafford%2C%20a%20marksville%20police%20lieutenant%2C%20include%20using%20a%20stun%20gun%20on%20a%20handcuffed%20man%20without%20warning%20and%20on%20a%20young%20mother%20who%20was%20already%20secured%20in%20a%20police%20car%20during%20separate%202011%20arrests.%20it%20also%20says%20stafford%20broke%20a%2016-year-old%20girl%27s%20arm%20while%20breaking%20up%20a%20fight%20on%20a%20school%20bus%20in%202012.%20%22stafford%2C%20as%20evidenced%20by%20both%20the%20charged%20offense%20and%20other%20bad%20acts%20the%20state%20seeks%20to%20introduce%2C%20is%20motivated%20to%20use%20excessive%20violent%20force%20against%20individuals%20he%20interacts%20with%20during%20the%20course%20and%20scope%20of%20employment%20with%20the%20law%20enforcement%20agency%20he%20works%20for%2C%22%20prosecutors%20wrote%20in%20last%20week%27s%20filing./) so if only they would have fired him from the get-go, little Jeremy Mardis would be alive today.

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Carlos Miller
Carlos Miller
Editor-in-Chief Carlos Miller spent a decade covering the cop beat for various newspapers in the Southwest before returning to his hometown Miami and launching Photography is Not a Crime aka PINAC News in 2007. He also published a book, The Citizen Journalist's Photography Handbook, which is available on Amazon.

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